
The IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference delivers insights on current and future innovations in photonic devices and materials as well as novel monolithic and heterogeneous integration and fabrication technologies on silicon platform.

Active Photonic Devices (APD)

New concepts and characterization methods for active silicon photonic devices. A broad range of device functionalities will be considered, including, but not limited to, on-chip light sources, high-speed modulation, photo-detection, optical switching, metamaterial enhanced active devices, reconfigurable photonic devices, as well as devices aimed at sensing. Contributions should focus on specific device functionalities and innovations rather than complete systems; more complex circuits should be submitted to the integrated systems topic (EPICS) or the applications topic (ENA).

Emerging and Novel Applications (ENA)

Submissions to this topic area should be targeted at specific applications, such as data center, photonic computing, automotive, bio-medical, free-space communications, LiDAR, imaging, sensing, artificial intelligence, quantum photonics, etc. The submissions can be related to emerging applications in existing application domains or entirely new application domains.

Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits and Systems (EPICS)

Submissions to this topic area should focus on the methods of electro-photonic integration and system building. This includes electronic and photonic co-design, heterogeneous and monolithic integration approaches, programable photonic systems, microwave photonics, and advanced assembling, packaging and testing solutions.

Heterogeneous Integration (HI)

Since silicon, like any other material, cannot fulfil the needs of all applications that would benefit from photonic integrated circuits (PICs), different material technologies can be integrated into the silicon photonics platform. This includes light sources, amplifiers, linear phase modulators, nonlinear materials, detectors etc. Submissions to this topic should focus on improved performance of PICs by introducing various materials with superior properties compared to Si.

Novel Materials and Processes (NMP)

Novel materials and material combinations and structures that are enabling new functions, new properties, or science, and nanophotonic structures. Materials, structures, phenomena, and devices that are still in an investigative stage, or that are not necessarily targeting specific application requirements. Examples include, but are not limited to, amorphous or disordered materials, 1D, 2D or 3D nanomaterials, phase change materials, functional oxides, ferroelectrics, photonic crystals, optical metamaterials, plasmonics and its hybrids.

Passive Photonic Devices (PD)

New concepts and characterization methods for passive silicon photonic devices. A broad range of device functionalities will be considered, including, but not limited to, optical coupling, filtering and routing, polarization handling, wavelength and mode division multiplexing, free-form photonic components, meta-surfaces and meta-lenses, optical antenna, optical phased arrays, etc. Contributions should focus on specific device functionalities and innovations rather than complete systems; more complex circuits should be submitted to the integrated systems (EPICS) or the applications topic (ENA).